Unknown title.

Corgi brown dog held by owner purple vest pet by two hands. The story behind the video is that I was walking in downtown Portsmouth, New Hampshire on June 13th, 2018 about to go out for sushi with a few of my friends. All of a sudden we came upon this literal living stuffed animal, otherwise known as Milo the corgi (who is also known as mi_loaf). Upon seeing him, we knew we had to go up and ask the owners if we could pet him. They were very friendly and immediately obliged and my friends and I all crowded around Milo and pet his cute soft ears and little paws. It was around twilight and we noticed that Milo was yawning which caused all of us to gasp for joy as it was the cutest thing any of us had ever seen, but then after about 30 seconds with him, we said our goodbyes and went on our way to the restaurant. Luckily I was able to capture a video of little Milo but then forgot about it until I was looking at my old pictures and videos from this summer last week. Upon seeing it, I was again overjoyed at Milo's cuteness and decided to post the video on Dogspotting, a Facebook group in which people post pictures and videos of dogs that they may come across in their daily lives. That is the full story of how I met Milo, the cutest dog in the world.











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