Collab BitchMP - Homeless man in closet part 1

Brett woke up and was hungover and wanted a glass of water. He gets out of bed and heads out of his room and hears someone talking. He gets closer to his closet and hears someone talking in his closet. He says alright theres someone in my closet. He opens his closet door and sees a guy sitting in the closet. When he opens the door the guy does not notice. He tries to get the guy out and he wont get out. He looks in the guys backpack and sees that the guy is trying to steal some of his tools. He looks around the closet more and sees an empty bag of apples and sees half eaten apples and cores all over his closet. The homeless guy throws his protein powder all over the closet as well and also ate or smashed all of Brett's little debbie snacks. Guy puts on pants and Brett tells him those are my jorts pants. The guy continues to put on Bretts pants and underwear. Police come to his house and help him escort the man out.









