Two people break mattress stick fly towards camera

Two people, man breaking sticks using baseball bat and woman bouncing and stabbing foam using a stick, is breaking down a mattress. Guy hits a stick and it fly towards the camera knocking it down. So for context, my sister and I were breaking down a mattress and a couple box springs when we decided to have a little fun with it and just start smashing andstabbing stuff rage room style. In the video you see my sister jumping on the mattress stabbing it with a piece of wood from the first box spring we destroyed while I'm trying to drive the broken wood splinters through the other box spring like nails (as before I was recording I hade done this quite successfully unlike in the video). After I get all of pieces through I noticed another longer piece laying halfway off of the mattress behind me, so I decide to strike downward on it to send it flying and it went straight for my phone knocking if onto the garage floor (miraculously it sustained no damage other then a little scuff on the case).