Man films herd of Dolphin near boat

We are long-time viewers, and we live on a sailboat. We see many beautiful things, and I've wondered if I'd ever capture some and send them your way. Then, this pod of dolphins came alongside our sailboat in early December, as we journeyed south for the winter: Above the waves: Below the waves: They stayed with us for a good hour! It was amazing to see how effortlessly they stayed ahead of us. I bet together they could have towed us if we'd given them a line. 🐬 ⛵️ 🌊 (In actuality, they are surfing on the bow wave from our boat). It turns out they actually came to tell us to look at the bottom of our keel. We'd hit something in the murky waterway, and they reminded us to use the clear water to take a look (we were several miles out from the coast when they joined us). So, we hauled out at a boatyard in Charleston for the repairs and enjoyed the holidays at home with family. For the curious, this was our haul-out footage, where you can see the damage: You may use this footage as well if you wish, though I presume the internet's interest will be with our dolphin friends, not our mechanical issues 😀. If you do, please obscure any identifying marks (e.g. the name of the boat). That said, the repairs for this are quite expensive, so if you feature my clip, you know where any royalties I may recieve will be going. God bless you.