Boy read note from fortune cookie hug mom

Boy wearing pikachu shirt sit on sofa and read note from fortune cookie then mom gets happy and hugs him. Sammy is a rescue pup thrown out to die in rural NV. His rescue shelter Churchill Animal Protection Society brought him back to life. He has birth defects in his hind legs surgery cannot correct so he lives his best life in wheels. Most importantly, he is the emotional support dog for my son with dyslexia. He inspires my son to keep working to achieve his goal of reading. When he feels discouraged or sad Sammy is there to cuddle with him and lick his face. He has been with him during his tutoring session online and they both support each other. This clip is the first time he read to us in sentences. Just a few months ago before tutoring started he could not read a word and now he is reading sentences! Every child deserves the chance to learn how to read!