Collab Clips MPUGC - Kid tells mom shes a good mom

Don’t ever doubt yourself as a parent! everyday with my kids is a great day, some are just more challenging than others. yesterday was one of those days. one of those days where i had to say no too many times. where instead of raising my voice i should have shown more patience. where it’s whatever for lunch and pizza for dinner. i felt like a bad mom. i felt like i could have done more, and i probably could have. but the whole day i was so self critical and it turns out my baby is as happy as she can be. she thinks im a good mom. your babies think you’re a good parent too. i see you. so do they. Woman ordered pizza for dinner and says that shes a bad mom for not cooking, and her child tells her that shes a good mom and made her say it, and when she did her child says yay