Collab Clips MPUGC - Woman harassed by 3 men at work

Already called security before this and they were on their way. How I love being a woman. Woman is at work and is hiding behind the register because 3 men went inside the store, sat in front of her at the register and stared at her for a long time, then was asked if she was alone, and she told them that she is not and that her associates are at the back and will be back in 15 minutes, and the men stayed for 15 minutes and continued to stare at her and then asked her what time do they close and she says 8pm, 40 mins from what their time is at, then the men left, and as soon as they left she locked the doors and moments later she saw them again outside waiting for her so she called the police and is hiding behind the counter again while waiting for the police to arrive