Snail crawls out of aquarium separator box

Context: I have kept my baby mystery snails in a separator box from the rest of the aquarium for two- three weeks since they hatched. A separator box is just a floating clear box that the snails are protected from getting bullied by the fish. On the day this was filmed, I lowered the box so that the snails could come out on their own, basically they were released into the aquarium to live with the fish and their parents (big Mystery Snails). What’s happening in the clip: This snail is making his way out of the isolator box and is taking his time eating specks of dirt. On 3:01 you can see the snail eating a piece of dirt, although that part of the clip is a little blurry. There’s also a snail on the right side about to come out to freedom. The baby Mystery snail has the cutest freckles I wanted to share this with you because I think this could open up your audience to aquarists, or fish keepers. The baby snail is so cute and I decided the only way to share it with the world is to give it to you, I’m a big fan of your channel. I also think this could benefit my fish-keeping channel if you tagged me in the title of the video. This would mean the world to me and I hope you choose the cutest blob out of, I’m sure a lot, of video submissions. The video is 3 min long, but I’m sure you can shorten it to the best parts. Sincerely and hopefully, Kacey




San Diego, CA









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