Hawk threatened then petted by the filmer

While riding my dirt bike through steep hills, I had a pretty cool experience. Descending a particularly steep slope, I had to abruptly brake to avoid colliding with the red-tailed hawk stationed in the middle of the dirt path. Expecting it to take flight, I cautiously approached with my engine off, yet the bird remained unmoved even when I honked my horn. Setting my bike aside, I cautiously approached the avian visitor. This is where the recording starts. After capturing the moment, I found a sheltered spot for the hawk and resumed my journey. I sadly couldn't get any help for the hawk, as I was in the middle of large hilly area. Upon sharing the footage with a doctor, I learned that the hawk suffered from cataracts and was likely nearing the end of its life. Though bittersweet, this encounter undoubtedly stands as the most memorable experience from my time on the trails.