Collab Clips MPUGC - Ladies dressed as elderly for bachelorette

When young girls dress as old ladies for their bachelorette party and grandpa thinks he has a chance! There was a group of girls dressed as grannies for a birthday party and I saw one of them was using a walker and walking while twerking and I knew she was going to go by the elderly man and I knew he would be looking so I focused my camera on her going past him without getting him in the video and then when she past him and was twerking I immediately zoomed in on his face knowing he would be looking and smiling. And he was even nodding his head as she was twerking in the same way lol. Women dressed as elderly ladies for a bachelorette party are dancing inside the restaurant, and one of the ladies is holding a walker and is twerking while walking, and one elderly man holding a beer is smiling and nodding and is amused on what he is seeing