Collab Clips MPUGC - Dog catching up to mom on hike

This is my wiener dog named Carol on a hike in the Boise foothills. My family joined us for a hike and initially Carol decided to hike with my mom on longer, steeper hike. After 30 minutes of hiking, we heard my mom below the mountain. Apparently Carol had sat in the trail and refused to keep hiking and wanted to come find me, her mom. My mom ran with Carol *on leash* until she caught up with us. I told her to take off her leash to let Carol run to catch up to me and she bolted up the trail to reach me. She really is the most loyal angel dog ever. Dont tell me Dachshunds arent fast runners. Woman hiking with her family and is ahead of them, her dog is with her mom and the dog wanted to go to her, so they let her off leash and the dog bolted up the steep hike to get to her